⚙️ Administration


Discusses the preferences that can be set for individual users.

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

Managing folders

Discusses folder management, and explains "search folders".

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

Managing attributes

Describes how to manage "attributes", that allow you to enrich clauses with additional legal information.

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

Managing users

Describes users, groups and rights management.

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

Managing access-bundles

Access-bundles allow you to finetune the access rights for individual items within ClauseBuddy — e.g., a folder, a clause, a template, a legal guide or a Clause Hunt locker. Difference from user righ…

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

External subscriptions

Discusses how to publish your clauses to third parties.

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

I lost my login code

I don't have my login code anymore!. If you lost your login code you will have to retrieve it, following these steps: Open ClauseBuddy and click on the purple "Login" button.. At the bottom of the lo…

