
Tweaking terminology

In dynamic clauses, i.e. those created with Clause9, you can tweak the label used for concepts. For example, if you are inserting a clause inside a contract where the manufacturer actually uses its own name (instead of the generic "Manufacturer"), you can change that term by clicking on the word "manufacturer".

Such terminology may seem overkill for a clause of two lines, but can be very handy for large clauses where the same term is used many times. Furthermore, when you would insert multiple dynamic clauses, ClauseBuddy will remember the terminology you previously used, and automatically apply that terminology for subsequent insertions — and even save that terminology within the MS Word file, so upon reopening you do not need to configure it again.

Instead of changing the term, you may also simply want to change the gender or the number (singular / plural) of the term you are about to insert. Thanks to ClauseBuddy's grammatical engine, all the verbs, pronouns, adjectives, articles and even grammatical cases will automatically adapt. Now that's a time saver!

Changing datafields

Any datafields inserted in a clause will show up in ClauseBuddy, so that you can tweak your clause before you effectively insert it into your MS Word document. Moreover, any values you assigned to a datefield in the past — whether in Clause9e or in ClauseBuddy — will automatically be remembered.

Such data is encrypted and stored in the Word file's "comments" property, and updated with every change you make to the datafields or terminology. By default, users of the same customer can read each other's metadata. If you want to change this default, your administrator has to login to the Clause9 administrator backend of ClauseBuddy, and go to the Admin > Defaults section.

Last updated