
ClauseBuddy is available in 28+ languages and allows you to switch between libraries with the click of a mouse button. As each library can store content for different jurisdictions — possibly with very different languages — the question arises which language(s) will take precedence.

Similarly, clauses created in ClauseBuddy or in Clause9 may contain currency-related datafields. As many different currencies are supported, you may want to define which currencies should be shown on the screen.

Through the My preferences setting (available in the upper right corner) you can edit preferences related to the language order and the applicable currencies.

Languages ordering

The languages ordering may require a bit of explanation, because there can be contradictions between the languages you indicate in your personal preferences, and the languages stored in the library subscriptions:

  • If you have not (yet) stored any local language preferences, the subscription's settings are used.

  • If you have stored local language preferences, they will get merged with the subscription's settings. Essentially, the software will take those of your locally saved languages that are also supported by the subscription. If there is no matching subset, then the subscription's settings will take precedence.

Where are preferences saved?

All your personal preferences are saved on your local computer, i.e. inside Microsoft Word. This effectively means that if you would use ClauseBuddy on multiple computers, you may want to perform the same configuration for each of those computers.

Your administrator can also configure your languages by logging into Clause9 and changing your account settings.

Last updated