Inspecting clauses

Once you've found a good clause, you can inspect its legal metadata and compare it to other clauses inside your document. You can do so by hitting the ... button in the top right corner of the clause.

This popup menu will show you the following:

  • The internal number of the clause (e.g., #1272443). This number may come across as very nerdy, but it's sometimes very handy when communicating with colleagues — e.g., when a senior partner would email a junior associate telling to "use clause #8875124". The junior can then simply paste these numbers in the keyword search bar, and will immediately find that particular clause.

  • The date & time when this clause was last changed by someone.

  • Any legal comment (typically case law or doctrine references) assigned to the clause.

Note that the clause's legal description will be shown above the clause.

Comparing clauses

You can compare the content of a selected clause with whatever text you happen to have currently selected inside the MS Word document. You can do so by clicking on the Compare button.

Don't forget to click on this button again to show its normal contents!

Editing clauses

If you want to edit the contents of a clause (and are authorised to do so), click on the Edit clause button.The clause will then be opened in the clause editor.

If the clause was created in Clause9 (and is therefore too complex to edit inside MS Word), you will be invited to edit the clause inside Clause9, i.e. in your browser (if you have the required access rights).

Last updated