Multi-document Chat
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The Multi-document Chat lives inside of the Doc Chat module. It allows you to ask multiple questions about multiple documents at once. You then get back a table with the answer to each question for each of your documents, which you can then optionally export to an Excel-file or table in MS Word.
As a first step, you need to upload the documents that you want to ask questions about.
When you initially go to Multi-document Chat, your currently opened document in MS Word is selected. However, you probably want to add several other documents as well, either by dragging them on the Upload area, or by clicking on the Upload area and selecting the files from the file selection dialog box of Windows/Mac.
PDF-files will be immediately converted into .DOCX files, so that they become readable for ClauseBuddy. Take into account that converting PDF-files may several seconds or even up to a minute, depending on the length and complexity of the document.
In the second step, you submit all the questions that you want to ask for each of the documents.
You can either load a predefined set (e.g., because you previously saved a set of questions yourself, or perhaps because a colleague defined questions for the entire team), or you can configure your own questions by clicking on the green Create your own set... option. In the screenshot below, you can see that there is a predefined set Various contractual questions that was prepared by the team administrator.
By checking Append to questions, you can add the questions to the end of any existing questions. This allows you to, for example, add some standard questions predefined by your administrator, in addition to some specific questions that you entered yourself.
When you click on the green Create your own set you can configure your own questions (or change previously saved questions that you loaded or appended).
You can add any number of questions by clicking on the green + Question button at the bottom. For each question, you must indicate the type of information that is being asked.
While using "Text" (the first option) usually works, it is advisable to choose the most appropriate type. The reason is that the export to MS Excel will then be much more usable, because numbers, currencies, dates and yes/no answers will have the right formatting in Excel (so that you can then, for example, do date calculations or number operations in Excel).
If you don't plan on exporting to Excel, then choosing text is a good default setting.
You can optionally constrain the answers that can be given by the LLM, by clicking on the Constrain button. This way, you effectively force the LLM to only choose one of the predefined answers; if necessary it will choose the closest one.
Take into account that there's a bit of a grey zone for the LLMs, so whether they will strictly obey your constraints will depend on the LLM considered, the complexity of the question and the document considered. It may sometimes be the case the LLM does deviate from the predefined answers.
If you plan on frequently using the same questions, you can save the questions for later reuse.
Click on the Save button at the top.
Give your question-set a good name and an optional description.
By default, the question-set is only available to you. If you want to make it available to colleagues, then select relevant access-rights in the dropdown list.
If you don't see the dropdown list shown in the screenshot above (Only accessible by you) then the right Publish Multi-document Chat Questions) is not enabled for your account by your ClauseBuddy administrator.
If you previously loaded a set of questions and now want to save it under a new name, then click on the grey Save as new button instead. If you would click on the blue Save button, the current question-set would be overridden.
In the final step, you have to click on the blue Process documents button. (If multiple LLMs are installed in your account, then you may want to choose a specific LLM from the dropdown list.)
ClauseBuddy will then get to work, and have the LLM go through each of your documents, answering each of your questions. You will see the results flow into ClauseBuddy while you are waiting.
A few notes:
Depending on your screen size and number of selected documents, at some point horizontal scrolling with the scrollbars at the bottom may become necessary.
You can click on MS Word (DOCX) or MS Excel (XLSX) to export the results to Word or Excel.
Because MS Word is limited by paper size, each document's questions are answered in a separate table.
The Excel-file will follow the currently selected "rotation" of the table.
If you like, you can go back to Step 2 and add additional answers, or even go back to Step 1 and add additional documents.
Bear in mind that the Multi-document Chat eats up a lot of "tokens" from the LLM, particularly when the document is long and/or you are asking many questions. Depending on your contract, you may need to order additional tokens from ClauseBase or your LLM-provider.
You can click on the button in the upper left corner to "rotate" the table, i.e. to switch the position of the questions (left-side by default) and filenames (top-row by default).