Logging in
Last updated
Last updated
To navigate to ClauseBuddy's login page, you:
Click on the ClauseBuddy icon within the Home section of the top bar ("ribbon").
Similarly, click on the button in the Home section of the ribbon.
If you want to use ClauseBuddy inside of Microsoft Word Online (i.e., Word running inside of a browser), then click on the "..." button of the Home pane of the ribbon and choose "ClauseBuddy".
Go to https://app.clausebuddy.com
Click on the "..." button inside of a new email
Click on Apps when drafting a new email, and then select ClauseBuddy from the list.
Click on the "..." icon inside of a new email window, and select ClauseBuddy from the list.
Tip: you may want to click on the Customise toolbar option inside of the "..." dropdown menu and drag ClauseBuddy to the toolbar, so that it is always visible there.
Once navigated to ClauseBuddy — in Word for Windows, Outlook, browser, ...-- you need to effectively login if this is the first time you're using ClauseBuddy.
If you're using ClauseBuddy in a small team without a big IT-department, then you probably received a "security code" from ClauseBase or from your team leader.
To effectively login with this security code, click on the top button "Sign in with a security code".
Next, enter the security code, or click on the bottom link to retrieve the security code with your email address.
If you're using ClauseBuddy in a large organisation, then Single Sign On (SSO) was probably set up for you by your IT-department. In such scenario, you don't get a security code; instead you login by passing through the security procedures of your own company.
To do so, click on the green button at the bottom:
Next, enter your email address and click on the blue "Request login" button.
You will then be forwarded to the login procedure of your own organisation, which will be shown in a popup-window if all goes well. This looks and behaves differently for every organisation (e.g., some organisations require the use of a token, some a fingerprint reader), but in the end you should arrive in the ClauseBuddy homepage: