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In ClauseBuddy, you can search clauses in your Quality Library in two major ways: by entering keywords, or by browsing through folders. You can also use the AutoSuggest feature to search by similarity.
Each of the three search types has its own strengths and weaknesses:
Keyword search is what everybody is used to from everyday use in Google or other search engines. ClauseBuddy allows for both a smart search (more intelligent, wider cast) and a strict search (more literal).
Browsing folders perhaps sounds less interesting, but in our experience — both as former lawyers and from having witnessed other users — searching through folders in a taxonomy (tree) aligns most closely to how most legal professionals want to search for clauses.
Similarity searches through AutoSuggest allow you to immediately get an overview of all the clauses that match a currently selected clause you have currently selected.
Any search result will be shown either with a blue, green or purple background.
Clauses with a purple background do not contain any deeper intelligence — they merely contain text, placeholders, tables, footnotes, etc.
Clauses with a green background are clauses that were prepared in Clause9. They contain interactive elements, such as dynamic legal terminology, calculations and conditional text.
Clauses with a blue background (and a cog icon) are the most interactive of all. They can be like sheer magic: by answering a few questions, the text of the clause will be changed — sometimes in subtle ways by hiding or altering a few words, sometimes very drastically by showing or hiding entire paragraphs.
The clauses with a green and blue background can only be created with Clause9.
The rightmost buttons in ClauseBuddy's toolbar allow you to go back and forth in time — essentially a kind of undo & redo that bring you back to earlier search results, before you started to modify keywords, filtered down your search results or modified the wording of the clauses. Do not underestimate the power of those buttons: they can make your search experience so much smoother!