
Simple clause libraries only allow you to store plain blocks of text, and require you to manually apply styling once text is pasted into a document. ClauseBuddy allows you to easily store clauses together with their internal structure — title, headings, subheadings and bullets — and can ensure that such internal structure is respected when clauses are pasted into an MS Word document.

In all versions of ClauseBuddy, you can choose between "Minimal styling" and "Guess styling". With "Minimal styling", as little structure as possible is applied to the paragraphs, while in"Guess styling" ClauseBuddy will try to understand the styling of the target MS Word document, and then mimic that styling in the pasted clause.

While "Guess styling" tends to works well with documents that have a reasonably consistent layout, it remains an educated guess. For companies and law firms that apply a consistent house style ("brand identity") to their legal documents, there is a better solution available, by storing the structure of that house style within the software.

Once your house style is properly implemented, (almost) perfect layout results are guaranteed when you paste clauses into documents conforming to that house style.

Warning: expert territory

Implementing this house style in ClauseBuddy is, on itself, not difficult, but requires a deep understanding of how styles and templates really work in MS Word. In our experience, few lawyers really master this area, and tend to simply use whatever styling happens to be available in a template.

In other words, don't be afraid to involve your organisation's (internal or external) MS Word expert to implement your house style in ClauseBuddy. We also offer support on a consultancy basis, please check our support options.


Your house style is implemented by manually mapping every layout option in ClauseBuddy to your house style's layout structure (further called a "style scheme"). You can even store multiple style schemes, e.g. one for contracts, a separate one for legal briefs and yet another one for formal letters.

Optionally, you can also offer the software identification clues for your style schemes, so that the right one will be pre-selected when the user opens ClauseBuddy from within such a template.

All users of your organisation will automatically receive a copy of your style schemes (as well as any updates to it) when they load ClauseBuddy with an account linked to your organisation. These style schemes are then stored locally within MS Word's configuration.

Users can also manually choose a style scheme by clicking on the dropdown list next to the brush icon, in the dialog box where they insert a clause.

The "Clause9" style scheme is automatically loaded by the system. It applies to documents created with Clause9.

Last updated