Bulk Import Clauses


Introduction to the raison d'Γͺtre of the bulk import β€” what you can(not) expect from it.

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

Starting a session

Describes "sessions" in the import process: how to create, edit and delete them.

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

Uploading documents

Guides you into uploading documents.

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

Selecting & Configuring paragraphs

Guides you into selecting clauses and paragraphs within DOCX files

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

Assign paragraphs to folders

Describes how to assign clauses to an import session's folders.

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens

Save clauses to clause library

Describes the last step in the bulk import process: saving folders into your library.

Maarten Truyens
Updated by Maarten Truyens
