What's the best way to search for clauses in Truffle Hunt?
There are a couple of things to keep in mind when using Truffle Hunt to look for clauses.
As is the case with other search engines, using a single word is never recommended, except when it’s a fairly unique word that you can expect to see show up in just a few clauses. It’s simply too broad and you will easily get many results. Using a single word is particularly not recommended in ClauseBuddy’s standard smart search, which searches for clauses that are semantically related to your search term. As this involves a specific type of artificial intelligence, and it’s quite a new way to search.
A couple of things to keep in mind are:
“Semantically related” means that the overall meaning of a certain clause must roughly “correspond to” the overall meaning of your
The shorter your search query, the more difficult it becomes for artificial intelligence to treat an entire clause as “corresponding” to your search term, because you're comparing a text that bundles together perhaps 15 different conceptual ideas, with a single word that expresses just one concept. That’s like asking “Do you think a fruit basket and a banana are similar?”: most people would probably disagree. Conversely, if you would ask “Do you think a set containing a banana, apple and pear are similar to a fruit basket?”, the answer is more likely to be positive
Note: While semantic search involves a certain type of artificial intelligence, it doesn’t think “deeply” about your search query (like ChatGPT is able to think about what you ask), as that would be much too slow in a database with thousands of clauses. You should therefore not expect ClauseBuddy’s speed-focused artificial intelligence to “deeply” understand your search query and/or the clauses in the database.
Solutions to use the Truffle Hunt search more efficiently:
Always avoid single-generic-word searches
Check the option “strict”, in which case a literal keyword-search is conducted. In such literal keyword-search, the artificial intelligence and semantic meaning deduction are deliberately avoided.
Use a more descriptive semantic search (you don’t have to type in a sentence: combining multiple keywords is usually also sufficient)
Don’t treat the search engine as an intelligent lawyer, as the artificial intelligence is focused on speed. Also, unlike Google, it cannot guess your search intent as deeply, because it operates in the law firm’s private silo, so cannot rely on the search feedback of billions of users.
Last updated